Cleaning Material After Landslides in Tobasa, One Victim Still in Search

Kolom Nasional. The joint SAR team is still carrying out landslide cleaning in Halado Village, Pintu Mohan Meranti District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra. This cleaning uses five units of excavator machines.

"It consists of four units owned by the regional government and one unit owned by PT Inalum, as well as other diggers in the form of hoes and shovels," said Head of the Toba Samosir Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Herbet Pasaribu, Monday (17/12).

This joint officer consisted of Basarnas, TNI, Polri, BPBD, Satpol PP, PT Inalum employees, and residents of the local community.

In addition to cleaning, the joint team is also still searching for one victim who was buried by landslides.

"The victim is on behalf of Sutan Marpaung (37) and has not yet been found," said Herbet.

The search for the residents of Halado Village has been carried out for five days and has not produced results.

He said the search for victims had been stopped on Sunday (12/16) afternoon due to extreme weather and heavy rain.

"The joint team still continues to work in the field to find the victims," ​​he said.

Herbet said that one victim buried by a landslide had been found at the scene on Saturday (12/15) around 08.30 WIB. The victim on behalf of Kasmer Marpaung (35) is a resident of Halado Village.

After the discovery of the victim, the number of residents was buried by landslides that died as many as nine people.

The survivors were as many as five, and some of them received treatment at the polyclinic and returned home.

"In addition, as many as 39 residents of Halado Village or eight family heads who inhabit eight houses have been evacuated to safer places to avoid landslides," said the Head of Toba Samosir BPBD.

Landslides occurred Wednesday (12/12) at around 23:30 WIB, which is located in Halado Village, precisely on the Sigura-gura crossing, Pintu Pohan Meranti District, Toba Samosir Regency. Landslides hit three residential units.

Nine dead victims were under a pile of land in a house that was buried by landslides. The death toll was Bantu Tambunan (70), Jones Tambunan (46), Nurcahaya boru Marpaung (40), Ahmadi Tambunan (23), Ambrin Tambunan (13), Sarlina boru Tambunan (19), Rosdiana boru Nainggolan (35), Nia boru Marpaung (14), and Kasmer Marpaung (35).

Meanwhile, five survivors suffered injuries. While one other victim has not been found.


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